
Silencing The Violence

Bullies who terrorize,bullied kids who are afraid to tell,bystanders who watch,and adults who see the incidents as a normal part of childhood. It's the deadliest deadly combination that form around our youth today!

It astounds me how so many parents are numb to this bullying trend. Either they are too busy with work and life or they are just blind to the world around them. Not all parents are oblivious as many,but it shocks me on the amount around me in my own neighborhood.
Do we not see what a hold the media have on our kids? Can we not control our own homes?

We as parents play HUGE roles in the amount of garbage that we pack into our kids minds. With the research that I have done I have a few pointers to help with some of the defects that society have pushed on us to the point of choosing sanity or pleasing kids.

For Video games,which play important roles on how kids relate violently with each other:
  • Use Parental Control
  • Follow the Ratings
  • Set limits of play Time
  • Watch what you Kids Watch and Play what your Kids Play!!!
Most parents use video games as something your child can do while you do whatever. The result of this will eventually lead to the question: I don't know what's wrong with him?
We must take control because society,media,and school already have the upper hand in raising our


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