
Give Our Schools Back to God!

Even people who don’t typically pray are praying in the wake of what has now officially become the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history. That’s the right response to the senseless killing of 20 children and eight adults, but it’s time to take this issue of prayer a step further.

Rather than waiting until the aftermath of a Columbine, Virginia Tech or Newtown school shooting to pray, can we please put prayer back into schools on Monday morning? I know it's not as simple as that, but I ask you: If Columbine wasn’t enough, if Virginia Tech was not enough, can the Newtown school shooting finally be enough? If not, when is enough enough?

Yet with every school tragedy, there is always some outcry that removing God from the classroom' is to blame.

There's a cringe-worthy meme traveling across Instagram that features a letter exchange between a child and God:

Dear God: Why do you allow so much violence in our schools? Signed, a concerned student.
Dear Concerned Student: I'm not allowed in schools. God"


"Way to Go Tim Tebow"

Tim Tebow Laws
Tim Tebow, who is quickly becoming one of the biggest NFL icons in history, is also receiving a lot of attention surrounding laws which have passed, or are being considered, in many states. The Tim Tebow Laws allow homeschool students rights to play sports with their local public and private high schools. These laws were quickly referred to as "Tim Tebow Laws" based on the fact that he is one of the most famous and prevalent athletes who has successfully attended and graduated from homeschool, yet was able to play football with his local public high school on his way to his NFL career. The first Tim Tebow Law passed in 1996 in Florida, while since then at least 14 other states have accepted and passed similar laws.


Teens Life In Instagram



"These are the Instagram pics from the students of Connections Academy"



Make The Switch

Time Is Running Out


Choosing the right option for your child’s education is a big decision. You want to find the perfect learning solution to help your child achieve academic and emotional growth—in a safe learning environment.   

   We understand that making a schooling switch can be stressful, confusing, and time-confusing. Getting the real scoop from other parents currently involved in virtual schooling can be a valuable part of your decision-making process so we've compiled some enlightening feedback from Texas Connections Academy @ Houston (TCAH) parents. Here's what some parents had to say:                                                          



“As a parent, I am thrilled to see my daughter’s enthusiasm for learning return! As she says, 'It’s as if something blew up in front of me!' She acknowledges learning more than ever before and being exposed to information never before introduced. She has grown in responsibility for her own learning and spends a great deal of extra time on projects. The flexibility and freedom to explore, research, and simply think according to her interests, through the programming offered by Texas Connections Academy @ Houston, has redefined what it means to 'go to school' for her. Learning is fun and uninterrupted."
~ Angela, Connections Academy parent


“The difference Texas Connections Academy @ Houston has made for us is hard to overstate. I have everything I need to be the Learning Coach and I have caring professionals who know their subject very well, if I have questions. We start our day when we're ready to, so school never gets in the way. I am not at all opposed to traditional schools—it just wasn't working for us. But, I am so grateful to TCAH and all the parents and educators who worked to bring Connections Academy to Texas.”
~ Jackie, Connections Academy parent


"My son had been physically bullied in a brick-and-mortar school. It was heart-wrenching! Since we joined Connections Academy two years ago, I have watched my son transform and excel. The teachers are great with the students and sincerely care about them. Everyone has been friendly and helpful from enrollment to tech and learning support. Connections Academy has been a blessing for our family. Thank you for your dedication and hard work!"
~ Kelly, Connections Academy parent




Texas State High School Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements
  • English units:
  • Minimum program: 4
  • Recommended program: 4
  • Math units: Recommended program: 4, incl. Algebra I and II and geometry. Fourth credit must selected from specified math courses higher than Algebra II.
  • Minimum program3, incl. Algebra I and geometry
  • Social studies units: Recommended program: 4
  • Minimum program: 3. Same as recommended but students choose between 1 unit World History Studies or World Geography Studies
  • Recommended: Must include 1 unit World History Studies, 1 unit World Geography Studies, 1 unit U.S. History Studies Since Reconstruction, and .5 unit each of economics and U.S. Government.

  • Science units:
    • Recommended program: 4, incl. biology. Two add'l credits must be chosen from
      • (i) integrated physics and chemistry;
      • (ii) chemistry; and
      • (iii) physics or Principles of Technology I. Fourth unit to be chosen from state-approved lab science courses.
    • Recommended program, eff. Class of 2016: 4 units, with 3 selected from one of each category:
      • (i) biology;
      • (ii) chemistry;
      • (iii) physics or Principles of Technology I. Fourth unit to be chosen from state-approved lab science courses.
    • Notes/Citation: Recommended: Biology credit must be taken in biology, Advanced Placement Biology or International Baccalaureate Biology. The other two units must be chosen from (a) Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); (b) Chemistry, AP Chemistry or IB Chemistry; and (c) Physics, Principles of Technology I, AP Physics or IB Physics.
  • P.E./Health units: Recommended and Minimum programs: 2. Must include 1.5 units p.e. and .5 unit health education.
  • Arts:
    • Minimum program: 0
    • Recommended program: 1
  • Foreign language:
    • Minimum program: 0
    • Recommended program: 2Notes/Citation: 2 units in 1 foreign language
  • Electives units:
    • Minimum program: 6.5
    • Recommended program: 3.5. "All students who wish to complete the Recommended High School Program are encouraged to study each of the four foundation curriculum areas (English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) every year in high school." Minimum: Must include 5.5 general electives and 1 unit "academic elective" chosen from World History Studies, World Geography Studies or any state board-approved science course.
  • Other units: Recommended and Minimum program: 1.5. Must include .5 unit speech credit ("Communication Applications") and 1 unit technology applications.
  • TOTAL # units:
    • Minimum program: 22
    • Recommended program: 26

  • Important Note: State Graduation requirements are not necessarily the best guideline for homeschoolers to use. They have been included here as a guideline for what a typical public school student would need to complete in order to graduate.

    A more important guideline may be the College Entrance requirements for where your student would like to attend college. While colleges have differing requirements, there are many colleges that publish requirements for homeschool graduates.



    The TCAH Counseling Department will be hosting a series of grade level Parent Information Sessions to discuss important information regarding student academic progress and postsecondary preparation. Topics will include:

    Credits & 4-Year Plans

    Grades, GPA, and Class Rank


    College & Career Planning


    Personal Learning Plan

    The following is the schedule for each grade level Parent Information Session:

    11th Grade: Monday, 9/24 at 6:00 pm

    10th Grade: Thursday, 9/27 at 6:00 pm

    9th Grade: Monday, 10/1 at 6:00 pm

    Each session will take place at the following URL: www.connectionslivelesson.com/tcahhsglis
    We will have 100 seats available for each session. Please login only once per family to allow us to accommodate as many families as possible.
    We look forward to the opportunity to meet you in these sessions!


    Planning you Day

    Well it's time again! Getting your kids ready can be a very difficult task,especially if it's your first time homeschooling. The great thing about homeschooling is all the support recieved by so many willing to share their experiences with others. They make you feel that you are not alone and that's an awesome feeling!

    "How to plan for your planner" 

    I have searched for new ideas on planning your day across the web and found so many helpful sites. I will be posting these sites that I have found throughout the week to help others. Sweet Phenomena is one of my favorites so please enjoy!


    Homeschool Prom 2012


    Getting Ready!

    Texas Connections Academy conduct a variety of events for prospective families and students to learn more about our innovative education program.

    Join them in person for a chance to meet teachers, administrators, and fellow parents face-to-face at one of our free events:

    • Info sessions
    • Parties
    • Open Houses
    • And more

    Or attend a Parent-to-Parent meeting to ask questions of a current parent in a casual setting.

    Online events allow you to meet with teachers and school staff online. You can ask questions and get program details from the comfort of home.

    Click on the link below to find an event in your area or online. We look forward to meeting with you!

    Getting You Connected!