http://www.stopbullying.gov/ provides helpful information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators, and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying. You can learn what bullying is, how to recognize the signs of it, and how to get help.
Girl Wars- provides information about relational aggression and suggests different ways to stop female bullying. You can read case studies, watch role-play scenarios, and help your child develop strategies for ending relational aggression and pursuing positive relationships with peers.
Defeat The Label -a collection of social advocacy tools to help you take a stand and put a stop to bullying in your environment.
Teen Line-operated by teens, for teens, this website promotes a confidential telephone helpline that runs every evening from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. PST. If you have a bullying problem or just want to talk with another teen who understands, this is a great resource.
National Bullying Prevention Center- you can use these unique digital resources that address bullying in creative, relevant, and interactive ways to engage with and educate others about the impact of bullying:Free creative activities
Cartoon Network Speaks Up!-compiles video clips, pictures, tip sheets, and polls related to bullying. Network actors speak up about bullying issues and talk about the benefits of taking appropriate action in these situations.