

Below are some helpful resources for educating kids of all ages about recognizing and preventing bullying:

http://www.stopbullying.gov/ provides helpful information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators, and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying. You can learn what bullying is, how to recognize the signs of it, and how to get help.

Girl Wars- provides information about relational aggression and suggests different ways to stop female bullying. You can read case studies, watch role-play scenarios, and help your child develop strategies for ending relational aggression and pursuing positive relationships with peers.

Defeat The Label -a collection of social advocacy tools to help you take a stand and put a stop to bullying in your environment.

Teen Line-operated by teens, for teens, this website promotes a confidential telephone helpline that runs every evening from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. PST. If you have a bullying problem or just want to talk with another teen who understands, this is a great resource.

National Bullying Prevention Center- you can use these unique digital resources that address bullying in creative, relevant, and interactive ways to engage with and educate others about the impact of bullying:Free creative activities 

Cartoon Network Speaks Up!-compiles video clips, pictures, tip sheets, and polls related to bullying. Network actors speak up about bullying issues and talk about the benefits of taking appropriate action in these situations.


The Great System

The Learning Environment

  • Prepare
  • Ask
  • Gather
  • Evaluate
You can prepare your students mind in many of different ways,but are they usually effective?
Ive learned that teens are easily distracted and can be sometimes on the lazy side. I found that getting them prepared versus telling them has been my most effective tool today!
Get rid of distractions. Do your best as a parent to reduce the use of cell phones or any network sites through out the work day. 
This should come as a privilege for them and they will be eager to finish their work in a timely manner. 
A clean area,is a happy one,so please believe that clutter brings chaos!  

Since the mind works very well at finding answers to questions,let's start first with asking first and not so quick to browse the answers. 

The browsing process does many important things for your learning,but when all else fails,let them know you are there for any unanswered questions. 
"I don't have all the answers,but I know how to find them."

Gathering resources is always a tough challenge,especially on the net. If you don't have a filtered system,it would be a great deal to have one put on their working computer. 

When gathering the sources they need for research, you never want them to run into something that may cause other questions to surface,especially if you're not ready. 

Keeping them safe from predators is always the main priority,the world wide web can be a very scary place if approached wrong.

My most prized moment is when my kids took the taks test then,and passed with commended performance! 
Something that never happened in public school! Evaluating their progress through out the year is essential to knowing that you're doing something right!


"Erasing the Fear"

  • Stay Focused!
  • Be Creative!
  • Never Give Up!

Your goal is to get your child to "grade level" and proficient in their building-block skills by third grade.
There are common benefits in each program.They all provide opportunities for your students to learn,it could be a parent or certified teacher;again you make the decision to decide what's best for your child! 

You Choose

Virtual Homeschooling allows you to take control of your child's future. Become passionate about researching and using different strategies for success.               


Homeschooling FAQ's

The number one question people always ask: "What are the laws regarding home school?"

Get Educated!
Stay Informed!
Get Involved! 

Every state has a website about their legislature; take the time to find yours and check it over. The most important thing to realize is that homeschooling is legal in every state of this nation. But each state has its own set of rules regarding homeschooling,so it is essential that you check out yours in order to have a clear understanding of them,you can find this out most of the times by asking other homeschoolers,contacting your state homechooling support group,and by going on-line to do research.

Homeschooling laws differ from sate to state in seven main areas:
  • Testing
  • Equivalency
  • Records
  • Registration
  • Notification of intent to homeschool
Remember only you as a parent know whats best for your child. No one else can make this decision for you. Homeschooling is not for everyone,so talk it over with your spouse and children. The ultimate goal is to provide the best education for your child in the best environment for learning! 

It took me three years to come up with a final decision,not that this would be your outcome,but I didn't have the confidence in myself to do so. Now that this is their 2nd year,I hate the fact that I didn't do it sooner!


Cliche Unfolded!